Coffee with Principal - SS3

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On the 27th of September 2019, Premiere had its first Coffee with Principal meeting for this academic session. The programme commenced at 10:00am with punctual and optimistic parents showing up in excitement and anticipation of the outcome of the discussions to be held. 


As parents trooped into the school’s multipurpose hall to receive answers to their long awaited unanswered questions and enquiries, the school Principal, Mr Rowland Eno, rose up to give the key opening address in the presence of the Supervising Director, Mr Oladapo Akintomide; the Head of Learning, Mr Chris Akinsowon; the Head of Pastoral, Mr Adesanmi and other senior officials and teachers. He welcomed the parents for the new session and thanked them for their cooperation during the last session. He urged parents to do more to cooperate with the school officials as they discharge their duties for the progress of the school.


Soon after, the Head of Learning rose up to highlight announcements and sensitive information on school rules, external examinations and fees on WAEC, NECO, JAMB, SAT, TOEFL, ILTS UK and ILTS standard. 

Immediately following this, questions rushed in  from different parents concerning the fees of the examinations as well the date and time for registration. Parents also demanded more information on foreign universities and the type of examinations applicable to universities in the UK, Europe, Canada and America. The School Examinations Registrar, Mr Samson Adesile, was invited to explain and throw more light on the matter. He explained that the TOEFL and the ILTS examinations are more or less alternatives. Either of the examinations will suffice to enable students to get admission abroad. For those planning to go to school in UK universities, they will need to take the ILTS-UK VI exams and for those planning to go to Europe, Canada and America, the ILTS Standard examination will be required, while those planning to go to America need to take the SAT exams. Mr Adesile equally mentioned that the school has a high pass rate in these examinations and has never recorded a failure since inception. He urged interested parents to register on time as extra classes and preparations would be organized for the students and the main examinations would be taken at different scheduled times of the year not in a random fashion as before. Parents were delighted to hear from him, as they expressed their satisfaction with smiles and applause.


Some parents complained of not being available for meetings based on the school calendar due to their tight schedules. For this reason, they urged the school authorities to consider them whenever they are asked to come for a school event by allowing them the privilege of seeing their students while in school from time to time. A very confident and satisfied parent commended the school for the wonderful WAEC results recorded in the previous session (2018/2019). He talked about the need for more work to be done in English subject to improve the overall performance in the next round of examinations (2019/2020). 

Some parents talked about improving the discipline level of students and the need to instill humility in them.


The programme rounded-up on a satisfactory note as the HOD of the Social Sciences department, Mr Oluwakoya gave a quick rundown of the Trade Fair and Visiting Day events scheduled for the following day. He talked about entrepreneurship, which was the key objective of the event. He made parents to understand the need for students to be self-sufficient and business inclined. Students were urged to cook foods, design art materials and other objects and prepare them for sale at the Trade Fair event in order to earn money.


MrAkinsowon gave the closing remarks for the day, with a sense of fulfillment that marked the end of the programme. 

Read 1307 times Last modified on Wednesday, 23 June 2021 18:56