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Meet Osinachi Nwogu, an ex-student of Premiere Academy, who recently bagged a smashing 1st Class degree (Hons) in Computer Science and Information Technology from Missouri Southern State University (MSSU), Joplin, Missouri, USA.
A boy who yielded to our academic trainings, endured the pains that come with it, today he's on the gain.
The academic scars are gone. He is now a star. He has made his family, Premiere Academy and his Alma mater proud by upholding our academic excellence, a culture we preach and practice. 
We understand the learning dynamism of our students and therefore relentlessly create the enabling environment for them to achieve success and thrive.
Also, we don't admit ONLY the intelligent and super-intelligent students, rather, we make super-intelligence out of our students who have one per cent of attentiveness. Osinachi Nwogu is a readily verifiable example.
No student is irredeemably dull as we label them. It is the professional know-how to put him/her on track that is terribly lacking. Students are permitted to come in with their deficiencies and inabilities; but certainly, they are not permitted to graduate same. This is what makes Premiere Academy different. 
Over the years in our school, we have maintained this healthy academic practice of raising stars who came in undiluted, unrefined and of course completely in their raw state. But through our sound pedagogy, many stars have been raised.
We shall continue to relentlessly make meaningful impart to the society and our students as God gives us backing.
Osinachi Nwogu says thank you to Premiere Academy who laid the foundation that made this dream a reality.
Read 2505 times Last modified on Wednesday, 23 June 2021 18:56